We were lucky to catch up with Maria Myraine recently and have shared our conversation below.
Maria Myraine, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. What sort of legacy are you hoping to build. What do you think people will say about you after you are gone, what do you hope to be remembered for?
I hear the word “resilient” often when people try to describe me and I’ve caught myself describing who I am, as such, as well. When you look up the word in the dictionary, it defines “resilient” as “a person able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.” And when I tell you that my bounce-back game is real (AF), I’m not exaggerating. Having overcome near-fatal experiences, multiple surgeries, debilitating depression, fear-inducing anxiety, and what seems to be endless odds, you can call me the bounce-back queen. But that, alone, isn’t my legacy. It’s my resilient spirit, my unwavering faith in God, and.. [Read the full interview and feature on Canvas Rebel]